Welcome to the ASP Risk Traffic Light CH

Welcome to the ASP Risk Traffic Light CH

The risk traffic lights for selected animal diseases are a project of the University of Vechta under the overall management of Dr. Barbara Grabkowsky. Animal farmers can thus systematically analyze and improve their biosecurity situation.

New since September 2020 is the ASP Risk Traffic Light Switzerland. It was developed with Swiss participation during a six-month cooperation project and specifically takes into account Swiss husbandry and production conditions.

The ASP Risk Traffic Light Switzerland is available to the user anonymously and free of charge. Swiss SGD operations can also select the ASP risk traffic light via their SUISAG account (login on the SUISAG webpage).

33 experts from all parts of Switzerland and five experts from Germany contributed to the development of the technical content. Our great thanks go to all these colleagues!

A list of the experts involved can be found here

The ASP-Risikoampel Schweiz is a cooperation project of the University of Vechta and SUISAG, Sempach (Switzerland) under the direction of Dr. med vet Maria Gellermann.




On risk assessment